Luther Pass Trailhead

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  3. Luther Pass Trailhead
Events at this venue

Grass Lake Wildflower Walk

Luther Pass Trailhead Luther Pass Trailhead, Mesa Vista, CA, United States

Somewhat easy walk around north and west side above Grass Lake, observing the wildflowers and pollinators in forest openings, seep springs, and sunny hillsides at about 7740’ elev. Walk will be guided by certified California Naturalist John Roos. We will attempt to use the iNaturalist’s Seek app. Meet at first pull-out at north end of Grass

Luther Pass Wildflower Walk

Luther Pass Trailhead Luther Pass Trailhead, Mesa Vista, CA, United States

This will be an easy-to-moderate hike, led by certified CA Naturalist John Roos, to view the many mid-season wildflowers blooming at 7700’ south of Lake Tahoe near Hope Valley. Lots of butterflies too! We start at the marshy edges of Grass Lake, through shady white fir and aspen groves, up into the open pine and