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California Natural Resources Agency Earth Day Events
April 20, 2020 - April 24, 2020

April 22 marks the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day, which is credited with launching the modern environmental movement, and is now recognized as the planet’s largest civic event. This year’s theme is climate action. Climate change represents the biggest challenge to the future of humanity and the life-support systems that make our world habitable.
Earth Day aims to educate and mobilize more than one billion people around the globe to grow and support the next generation of environmental activists. There’s so much we all can do to help protect and restore our planet, and it is our hope that these events will encourage each of you to join in, celebrate our beautiful planet and work together toward a more resilient future that we all can be proud of.
April 20
#CalEarthDay50 Social Media Kickoff: Join the Natural Resources Agency and departments all week on social media as we share how we are celebrating Earth Day. Share how you are celebrating Earth Day with #CalEarthDay50, #HowISavethePlanet, and #WhyISavethePlanet.
Follow us on Twitter @calnatresources
Need ideas on how to celebrate Earth Day Week?
- Plant a garden or showcase your existing garden
- Commit to walking or biking to essential errands
- Tree planting or adopt a tree
- Backyard composting
- At-home zero waste challenge
- Energy upgrades: swapping out light bulbs, safely dispose of old appliances, etc.
- Protecting pollinators activity: create “bee condos” as a backyard activity
- Make a sustainable face mask: use sustainably sourced cloth, cut up old clothing so you do not need to buy anything new, etc.
- Buy California-grown, local foods
April 21
CNRA Educational Portal Launch: The Natural Resources Agency will launch an educational portal with fun resources from across all our departments, bringing, nature, culture, science and learning for all!
April 22
Earth Day Secretary Speaker Series: Join Secretary Crowfoot and special guests to reflect on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day in today’s current climate and look ahead to the next 50 years.
April 23
Natural Resources Science “TED Talks”: Learn about different science underway at the Natural Resources Agency. Hear directly from scientists on what they’re doing to protect and enhance our natural resources.
April 24
Nature Near You Bioblitz: The Natural Resources Agency is teaming up with the California Academy of Sciences for a neighborhood bioblitz. Join a global network of people by downloading the iNaturalist app, and start observing, sharing, and discussing nature found near you.