Washiw Zulshish Gum Tahn-Nu is thrilled to announce the launch of its groundbreaking fundraising campaign accompanied by a virtual launch event: “Strength in Solidarity: The Power of Collective Action with Washiw Zulshish Gum Tahn-Nu” scheduled for Wednesday, May 29th from 5:30-7:00 pm.
Generations after the displacement of Wašišiw (the people from here) from the Truckee-Tahoe region, the time has come for their return to their ancestral homelands. With the opportunity to purchase land in El Dorado County, the Truckee-Tahoe community has a unique chance to support the Wašiw journey home through the creation of Wašiw Than-Nu Ungal (The People’s House in the style of the California roundhouses).
Formed in 2009 by Wašiw elders, Wašiw Zulšiš Gum T’ànu strives to promote healing and cultural revitalization in their communities, addressing the trauma of forced removal and cultural erosion. Facing challenges such as substance abuse, violence, degenerative disease from western food systems and medicines, and suicide, as well as environmental threats to the lake itself, invasive species and pollution, they are advocating for reclaiming stewardship for the healing of the land, the water and the people.
“I’ve dedicated over a year to volunteering with this organization. The chance it presents for Truckee-Tahoe to reconcile with our settler history and drive meaningful change is truly unique” expressed Marissa Rudder, a resident of Kings Beach and volunteer with the Washiw Zulshish Gum Tahn-Nu “Every contribution, regardless of size, brings Washiw Zulshish Gum Tahn-Nu closer to achieving its goal.”
This virtual event, “Strength in Solidarity: The Power of Collective Action with Washiw Zulshish Gum Tahn-Nu” offers concerned citizens and activists an opportunity to engage in a unique land-back effort. Whether you’re interested in learning more about our efforts or can contribute resources, this event provides a platform for citizens to support the return of land to our indigenous community members. Washiw Zulshish Gum Tahn-Nu aims to raise 40% of the down payment needed to secure the first plot of Washoe-owned land, dedicated solely to sacred ceremonies and cultural revival.
The campaign will commence with events, including community forums and community listening sessions designed to engage stakeholders and ignite passion to engage in this monumental Land Back opportunity. Washiw Zulshish Gum Tahn-Nu invites individuals, businesses, and organizations to join hands in this collective effort to drive impact and leave a lasting legacy of change.
This event is FREE to attend; please sign up using this link. or by going to this page.
Washiw Zulshish Gum Tahn-Nu Mission: Washiw Zulshish Gum Tahn-Nu is committed to creating, promoting, and mentoring leadership and healthy lifestyles for the Washoe people. We aim to restore in our youth a sense of pride in their tribal heritage, language, and culture, empowering them to uphold the values of their ancestors in the modern world. Additionally, we strive to instill respect for the land, water, and animals, which hold our history, legends, cultural sites, and traditional resources. Native people have always protected and preserved their land and water, and Washiw Zulshish Gum Tahn-Nu is dedicated to continuing this tradition.