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Events at this venue

CAL FIRE’s Vegetation Management Program (VMP): a case study of the UC Hopland Research & Extension Center’s VMP


This webinar is an opportunity for participants to increase their understanding of CAL FIRE’s Vegetation Management Program (VMP) process through a case study of the UC Hopland Research & Extension Center’s VMP. John Bailey, Director of the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Hopland Research and Extension Center (HREC), will discuss what HREC does, why prescribed fire is

Oak Woodland Forest Health and Fire Management


This webinar is an opportunity for participants to increase their understanding of how forest health surveys can help improve fuels and vegetation management strategies in California’s oak woodland communities. Click here for more information.

Indigenous Peoples’ Use of California Native Plants


Top two images: Great Valley Museum; Bottom three images: Denise Godbout-Avant. Join us to learn how the original people of California used native plants in their everyday lives! The Indigenous people of California lived here for thousands of years, during which time they made the most of what California’s various habitats offered them. In the