Edwards Crossing Bridge

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  3. Edwards Crossing Bridge
Events at this venue

Sierra Foothills Hiking Club: Edwards Crossing to Purdon Crossing

Edwards Crossing Bridge North Bloomfield Road, Nevada City, CA, United States

The local Sierra Nevada Sierra Club group is starting up a monthly hiking series. Whether you are new to Nevada County or a lifetime resident, get outside and meet new like-minded locals on this iconic hike with beautiful views of the Yuba river. About the hike: The hike will be guided by longtime Sierra Club

Sierra Foothills Hiking Club: Edwards Crossing to Purdon Crossing

Edwards Crossing Bridge North Bloomfield Road, Nevada City, CA, United States

The local Sierra Nevada Sierra Club group is starting up a monthly hiking series. Whether you are new to Nevada County or a lifetime resident, get outside and meet new like-minded locals on this iconic hike with beautiful views of the Yuba river. About the hike: The hike will be guided by longtime Sierra Club

Sierra Foothills Hiking Club: Edwards Crossing to Purdon Crossing

Edwards Crossing Bridge North Bloomfield Road, Nevada City, CA, United States

The local Sierra Nevada Sierra Club group is starting up a monthly hiking series. Whether you are new to Nevada County or a lifetime resident, get outside and meet new like-minded locals on this iconic hike with beautiful views of the Yuba river. About the hike: The hike will be guided by longtime Sierra Club