Sierra Summer Challenge

The Sierra Nevada Alliance presents the Sierra Summer Challenge. Join us in a fun challenge to make the most of your summer! Participants register for a friendly competition to either summit the most Sierra peaks, or swim in the most Sierra alpine lakes, all while documenting their adventures and raising donations and awareness for the important work that the Alliance does to protect and restore this amazing region. As an added bonus, the winner from each challenge will win some awesome backcountry gear!

Register for the Sierra Summit Challenge here. 

Register for the Alpine Lake Challenge here.

After you register you will be prompted to set up your fundraising page. The Alliance has on overall goal of raising $5,000 for each challenge.  We recommend that each participants sets a goal of roughly $250. Once your page is set up, share it on social media and  invite your friends and family to sponsor your challenge by donating to your GoFundMe team page.

Participants can sign up to either compete in the Alpine Lake Challenge or the Sierra Summit Challenge.  Between June 22nd and September 7th participants will compete in three areas. All registrants will receive a 2020 Sierra Summer Challenge sticker!

  1. Participants of the Sierra Summit Challenge will compete to summit the most Sierra peaks, while participants of the Alpine Lake Challenge will participate to swim in the most Sierra alpine lakes.
  2. Participants of both challenges will compete to raise sponsorship for the Sierra Nevada Alliance.
  3. Participants of both challenges will compete for the best photo of their adventures.

How it works: 

  1. Register for the Sierra Summer Challenge : You can either register for the Sierra Summit Challenge or the Alpine Lake Challenge.
  2. Begin your adventure: It is time to get out and adventure, whether that means summiting the most Sierra peaks or swimming in the most Sierra alpine lakes.  You can begin summiting peaks or swimming in alpine lakes on or after June 22nd.
  3. Document: Take pictures of each Alpine lake swim or Sierra peak summited.
  4. Share your adventures: When you return home, share the pictures of yourself on the Sierra peaks or in the Alpine lakes on Facebook and or Instagram.  Make sure to tag the Alliance and use the hashtags #SierraSummerChallenge and #SierraNevadaAlliance
  5. Get sponsors:Raise money on your GoFundMe page for the Sierra Nevada Alliance and support our work to protect and restore the Sierra.
  6. Win backcountry gear: The adventure will come to an end on Monday, September 7th at 11:59 pm. In the end there will be a winner of the Alpine Lake Challenge and a winner for the Sierra Peak Summit Challenge.  The winners will be chosen based on three categories: most peaks bagged or Alpine Lakes swam in, most sponsorship raised, and best photo.  Points will be awarded to the first second and third candidates in each category.  The participant with the most total points in each challenge will win some amazing backcountry gear.  See scoring categories and points information below.


Scoring Rubric

Most peaks summited or Alpine Lakes Swam in Sponsorship total funds raised Best photo taken/ posted on social media
1st place 3 points 3 points 3 points
2nd place  2 points 2 points 2 points
3rd place 1 point 1 point 1 point



  1. Participants can only count Sierra Peaks or Alpine Lakes that fall within the boundaries of the Sierra, as recognized by the Sierra Nevada Alliance. To view the boundaries click here.
  2. In order for the Sierra peaks or Sierra alpine lakes to count towards the total number of lakes swam in or peaks climbed you must post a picture of yourself completing the task on Facebook and, or Instagram with the Alliance tagged and the hashtags #SierraSummerChallenge, and #SierraNevadaAlliance. If you do not have social media, but you would like to participate in the challenge you can email your pictures with captions to Sara at sara.monson@sierranevadaalliance.organd she will post them for you. All social media post descriptions must include (locations/peak/lake names).
  3. The challenge ends on 9/7/20 at 11:59 pm.  Any donations made after this time or pictures posted will not be counted towards the total.
  4. The winners of the two challenges, the Alpine Lakes Challenge and the Sierra Summit Challenge will be announced by 9/10/20.
  5. All photos posted on social media for the challenges will be considered in the photo judging.  Alliance staff will choose the first, second and third place photos.  It is possible for one of your photos to win first place and one of your photos to win second place, in which case you would be awarded a total of 5 points in the photo category
  6. For the Peak Summit Challenge participants will document and post pictures of themselves on Sierra Peaks.  For the purpose of this competition a peak is the pointed top of a mountain at 5,221 feet elevation or higher. You may get there any way that you like (car, hike, bike, etc.). Please write the name of the peak in your social post and make sure to be honest.
  7. For the Alpine Lake challenge participants will document and post pictures of themselves in Alpine Lakes. For the purpose of this competition Alpine Lakes are classified as lakes or reservoirs at high altitudes, usually, starting at 5,000 feet elevation. Please note the name of the Alpine Lake in your social post and make sure to be honest.
  8.  Respect any and all public land closures/restrictions, access permit requirements or other rules and regulations on public and private lands. Make sure you have proper permission before accessing any private land. Breaking this rule will result in the participant being disqualified. Be respectful of sensitive environments around alpine lakes or peaks.

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