Sierra Nevada AmeriCorps Partnership Renewed for Year 16

Former SNAP Caitlin Rich, with the Tuolumne River Trust, erecting fencing at a meadow restoration site.

The Alliance sends a big thank you to our funders at California Volunteers for renewing our SNAP program for another 3-year cycle!

Since 2007, over 350 SNAP members have served the Sierra by restoring and monitoring watersheds, educating students and community members, and leading volunteer service projects to preserve and protect forests and watersheds. We are grateful for all members and host sites and look forward to building upon all of the program’s past successes.

As we plan, the Alliance has several goals to help meet the evolving needs of the Sierra and the SNAP host sites. To complement the strong partnerships already in place, we hope to expand the program’s scope and geographic range. A significant increase in member living allowance will bring greater socioeconomic diversity to our applicant pool to better meet the goals of AmeriCorps, our host sites, and the communities we serve.

For more information about the program, please visit our SNAP webpage or contact Seth Connolly at

Photo: Seth Connolly

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