Promoting stewardship and conservation throughout the Sierra Nevada

This year, Sierra Nevada AmeriCorps Partnership (SNAP) member Annika Artle has been working with Sierra Nevada Alliance (SNA) as the Education and Outreach Coordinator. Annika helps with a variety of outreach projects, such as the Wild & Scenic Film Festival On Tour, Earth Day festivals, and education programs for students in Lake Tahoe. She also helps run social media, create newsletters for the Alliance, and maintain the Alliance website.

During her term, Annika has helped launch Take Care Sierra, a recreational stewardship campaign designed to educate visitors and residents about how to take care of the region. Take Care Sierra is an extension of an already successful campaign in the Lake Tahoe Basin called Take Care Tahoe, which Annika also helps with as a member of the committee. As part of her work on the campaign, Annika helps draft social media, emails, PSAs, and general marketing of the campaign, along with helping to facilitate Take Care meetings every other month.

Both campaigns are a collaboration of organizations in the area and rely on joint coordination to achieve common goals. Take Care Sierra aims to amplify and spread the message of Take Care Tahoe throughout the entire Sierra Nevada region. By working with conservation groups located across the entire range, the Take Care campaign can incorporate a diverse range of ideas and reach a wider audience.

SNA’s mission is to unite people and organizations to protect Sierra Nevada ecosystems and communities. The Take Care campaign amplifies that by providing fun and easy ways for visitors and residents to be stewards of the land so that we can all have a positive impact on this beautiful mountain range. Annika enjoys working with SNA to help spread the Take Care messaging to protect such a valuable and incredible region.

Protecting the region is essential because the Sierra Nevada is a biodiversity hotspot, with 3500 plant, 572 animal, and 321 aquatic species, with many being endemic to the region. The Sierra also provides countless recreation opportunities, 60% of California’s water supply, and 50% of its hydroelectric power. Annika’s work on Take Care Sierra helps amplify the need to preserve these valuable and awe-inspiring resources.

When her term is over, Annika hopes to continue working in the environmental sector, ideally staying in Lake Tahoe. She loves the region and is excited to continue to work to protect and preserve it.

Annika spends a lot of time working on her computer remotely.

Funding for SNAP is supported by Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation’s Nature Fund and Martis Fund – a collaborative project of Martis Camp landowners, DMB/Highlands Group (the developers of Martis Camp), Mountain Area Preservation Foundation (MAP), and Sierra Watch. Sierra Nevada Alliance is a proud grantee of AmeriCorps and California Volunteers, Office of the Governor.

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