Town of Truckee

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  3. Town of Truckee
Events from this organizer

Truckee Home Access Program (THAP) Workshop


The Town of Truckee has an upcoming information workshop for their new Truckee Home Access Program (THAP). In alignment with the Town Council’s priority to address the need for workforce housing, THAP was created to address the affordable housing issues faced by the local workforce. It is a challenge for local buyers to find and finance a home for

Truckee Home Access Program (THAP) Workshop


The Town of Truckee has an upcoming information workshop for their new Truckee Home Access Program (THAP). In alignment with the Town Council’s priority to address the need for workforce housing, THAP was created to address the affordable housing issues faced by the local workforce. It is a challenge for local buyers to find and finance a home for

Truckee Home Access Program (THAP) Workshop


The Town of Truckee has an upcoming information workshop for their new Truckee Home Access Program (THAP). In alignment with the Town Council’s priority to address the need for workforce housing, THAP was created to address the affordable housing issues faced by the local workforce. It is a challenge for local buyers to find and finance a home for