Placer Resource Conservation District

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  3. Placer Resource Conservation District
Events from this organizer

Preparing for Prescribed Fire Workshop

Kramer Ranch Grass Valley, CA, United States

Join UCCE, the Placer Resource Conservation District, Point Blue Conservation for a hands-on workshop hosted by Kramer Ranch! This in-person workshop will cover fundamental topics to prescribed fire burn unit preparation including tools and equipment for unit preparation, protecting trees and other desirable vegetation, and constructing containment lines. Registration required - Register Here. Click here


Preparing for Prescribed Fire Workshop

Kramer Ranch Grass Valley, CA, United States

Join UCCE, the Placer Resource Conservation District, Point Blue Conservation for a hands-on workshop hosted by Kramer Ranch! This in-person workshop will cover fundamental topics to prescribed fire burn unit preparation including tools and equipment for unit preparation, protecting trees and other desirable vegetation, and constructing containment lines. Registration required - Register Here. Click here


Roses for a Changing Climate

Roseville Utility Exploration Center (RUEC) Exploration Tech Lab 1501 Pleasant Grove Blvd, Roseville, CA, United States

Did you know that roses don’t have to require a lot of water and labor to flourish? In this workshop, you will learn about some of the origins of roses in America and become acquainted with the categories of roses for your landscape, and which are best suited for our drier environment. We’ll also cover common

Roses for a Changing Climate

Roseville Utility Exploration Center (RUEC) Exploration Tech Lab 1501 Pleasant Grove Blvd, Roseville, CA, United States

Did you know that roses don’t have to require a lot of water and labor to flourish? In this workshop, you will learn about some of the origins of roses in America and become acquainted with the categories of roses for your landscape, and which are best suited for our drier environment. We’ll also cover common

Roses for a Changing Climate

Roseville Utility Exploration Center (RUEC) Exploration Tech Lab 1501 Pleasant Grove Blvd, Roseville, CA, United States

Did you know that roses don’t have to require a lot of water and labor to flourish? In this workshop, you will learn about some of the origins of roses in America and become acquainted with the categories of roses for your landscape, and which are best suited for our drier environment. We’ll also cover common

Pile Burning Workshop Webinar


Join UCCE to learn about the fundamentals of hand pile burning! This two-part class will cover topics including safety and liability considerations, weather conditions and interpretation, and permitting. There will be in-person, local field trips for gaining hands-on skills. Part One: Hand Pile Burning Fundamentals Webinar This is a free, Zoom-based webinar. Register Here. Part Two:

Pile Burning Workshop Webinar


Join UCCE to learn about the fundamentals of hand pile burning! This two-part class will cover topics including safety and liability considerations, weather conditions and interpretation, and permitting. There will be in-person, local field trips for gaining hands-on skills. Part One: Hand Pile Burning Fundamentals Webinar This is a free, Zoom-based webinar. Register Here. Part Two:

Pile Burning Workshop Webinar


Join UCCE to learn about the fundamentals of hand pile burning! This two-part class will cover topics including safety and liability considerations, weather conditions and interpretation, and permitting. There will be in-person, local field trips for gaining hands-on skills. Part One: Hand Pile Burning Fundamentals Webinar This is a free, Zoom-based webinar. Register Here. Part Two:

Improving Water Efficiency in Your Garden

Loomis Library 6050 Library Dr, Loomis, CA, United States

For hands-on gardeners eager to learn tips and resources for maximizing their water efficiency. Participants will come away with water-wise ideas and visuals for transforming their landscape. Presenter: Marianne Calhoun, UC Master Gardener of Placer County This is an in person /live presentation; no registration required. You may also attend at the same time online

Improving Water Efficiency in Your Garden

Loomis Library 6050 Library Dr, Loomis, CA, United States

For hands-on gardeners eager to learn tips and resources for maximizing their water efficiency. Participants will come away with water-wise ideas and visuals for transforming their landscape. Presenter: Marianne Calhoun, UC Master Gardener of Placer County This is an in person /live presentation; no registration required. You may also attend at the same time online

Improving Water Efficiency in Your Garden

Loomis Library 6050 Library Dr, Loomis, CA, United States

For hands-on gardeners eager to learn tips and resources for maximizing their water efficiency. Participants will come away with water-wise ideas and visuals for transforming their landscape. Presenter: Marianne Calhoun, UC Master Gardener of Placer County This is an in person /live presentation; no registration required. You may also attend at the same time online

Understanding Fuels/Fire Behavior to Build a Prescription

Placer County 11434 B Ave, Auburn, United States

The weather prescription is at the core of prescribed fire application. Weather is also the hardest factor to control! Placer PBA is hosting this training to help community members better understand weather prescriptions and to introduce available tools and resources to PREDICT when a good weather window may be opening. Improving our ability to predict