Mammoth Lakes Trail System has published stats from its 2024 work season. Here’s a recap of what was accomplished:
2024 Overall Summer Stewardship Stats
- Trail Days (breakdown below)
- 108 volunteers
- 198 pounds of trash and recycling cleaned up
- Clearing of brush along 8 miles of pathways
- Sanding and staining trail signs
- New trail construction on Meadow Trail
- Trail maintenance along Mammoth Crest and Mammoth Pass Trails
- Wednesday Work Nights:
- 52 Volunteers
- Brushed and raked Meadow Trail
- Constructed boardwalk on Mountain View Trail
- New trail construction on Meadow Trail
- Brushing and tread maintenance on Coldwater-George and Heart Lake Trails
- Removed duff, constructed picnic area, and spread wood chips at Community Center
- Trashy Thursdays
- 293 volunteer hours
- 1005 pounds of trash cleaned up
- 68 pounds of recycling cleaned up
Trail Days
JUNE 1: National Trails Day at Mammoth Lakes Library
Event Stats:
- 48 volunteers
- 38 pounds of trash and recycling cleaned up
- Clearing brush and lopping overgrown plants along eight miles of multi-use paths
- Sanding and staining system trail signs
- New trail construction work connecting the Sherwin Meadows Trailhead to the Meadow Trail
JULY 27: Trail Days at Horseshoe Lake
Event Stats:
- 18 volunteers
- 75.5 pounds of trash and recycling cleaned up
- Trail maintenance along the Mammoth Pass Trail
SEPTEMBER 21: Annual Lakes Basin Cleanup
Event Stats:
- 40 volunteers
- 76 pounds of trash and recycling cleaned up
- One 5-gallon bucket full of fishing line removed
- .5 miles of trail maintenance along the Mammoth Crest Trail