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Staff Botanist – Janelle Nolan & Associates Environmental Consulting
Diamond Springs, California
JNA Consulting is seeking a Staff Botanist to conduct protocol level botanical surveys.
Surveys will be conducted in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, so applicants do not have to be based near the JNA Consulting offices.
Responsibilities/Duties would include, but are not limited to:
- Manage botanical components of CEQA; NEPA; and hydroelectric licensing, relicensing, and/or license compliance projects with complex teams consisting of in-house professionals and subconsultants.
- Lead protocol level special-status botanical surveys and non-native invasive plant (NNIP) surveys;
- Collect GPS coordinates for the location of special-status resources and NNIPs;
- Compile data and assist in development of technical reports;
- Oversee development of project deliverables to meet client expectations;
- Collaborate with stakeholders and clients in preparation and coordination of project deliverables; and
- Resolve potential issues on project, within teams, and with clients.
Required Qualifications:
- Bachelor’s degree in botany, ecology, or related field with a minimum of 2 years of experience.
- Experience keying plant species using the California Jepson manual or Jepson eFlora.
- Knowledge of California flora, previous experience with Sierra Nevada plant species preferred.
- Must have computer literacy, including basic programming, word processing, spreadsheet skills, and knowledge of Microsoft Office software package.
- Ability to effectively present information and respond to questions from groups of managers, clients, customers, and the public.
- Proficiency in GIS field data collection/mapping and solid backcountry navigational skills;
- Must be physically fit and able to navigate rugged high-elevation forest conditions on foot, and be comfortable backcountry camping for multiple days; and
- Must have a valid driver’s license, a clean driving record, and 4WD experience.
Preferred qualifications (not required):
- Knowledge of CEQA, NEPA, and the Federal Power Act.
- Wildlife survey experience including the following species: foothill and Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frogs, Yosemite toad, American goshawk, California spotted owl, great gray owl, bald eagle, fisher, marten; and
- Section 10(a)(1)(a) or other special-status species research or collection permits a plus.
Compensation: Hourly wage will be determined commensurate with experience, but would range from $23-$32/hour, with overtime pay when applicable. Training, expense reimbursement, and survey-specific equipment will be provided.
Interested applicants should provide a cover letter, resume, and 3 professional references to Nicole Clement at by March 1, 2025.