Cristina Czochanski: Protecting Sierra Nevada Watersheds with Trout Unlimited

Cristina Czochanski is one of our Sierra Nevada AmeriCorps Partnership (SNAP) members serving with Trout Unlimited (TU) Truckee as their Sierra Nevada Field Technician. This year, she’ll be helping TU in their Truckee office with the Inland Trout Program and other restoration work throughout the Sierra. In her role, she’ll create maps, analyze data, help with field season preparation, and more. In the field season, she’ll be serving throughout the Sierra, collecting data on freshwater and coldwater ecosystems.

Trout Unlimited works to protect and restore rivers for future generations to enjoy. TU works on restoration, research, advocacy, and education of water ecosystems throughout the country.

Cristina is passionate about conserving water ecosystems and ensuring healthy watersheds across the Sierra Nevada. She’s especially excited about the opportunity this summer to gain practical skills in river restoration and science from experienced professionals in the field.

Cristina grew up in New Jersey and fell in love with the ocean. She knew she wanted to be involved in water conservation and environmental justice work in the face of the climate crisis. In school, she earned a BS in Environmental Science with a concentration in Marine and Coastal Management and a minor in Meteorology. She’s done conservation work and research in Maryland, Utah, Hawaii, and Spain. Most recently, she was working for an environmental non-profit in Santa Barbara.

Cristina is eager to learn from those who are experiencing and combatting climate change as it relates to water. She’s excited to be a part of Sierra Nevada Alliance and Trout Unlimited, giving her the opportunity to learn more about alpine watersheds and coldwater freshwater ecosystems in the Sierra Nevada. She looks forward to her fieldwork this summer, becoming more familiar with these mountains, and learning more about river restoration and research.

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