California Coastal Cleanup Day celebrates 40th anniversary as state’s largest volunteer event

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VOICE (415) 904-5200
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Media Advisory
– For Immediate Release –
September 12, 2024

Contact: Eben Schwartz, Coastal Cleanup Day Director, (415) 816-2506

California Coastal Cleanup Day celebrates 40 th anniversary as state’s largest volunteer event

Saturday, September 21 st from 9 AM to Noon

To find your local cleanup site visit this page.

What: During this year’s California Coastal Cleanup Day, tens of thousands of Californians will gather along beaches, shorelines, and inland waterways to pick up trash and prevent it from becoming marine debris. Over 750 cleanups will take place in nearly every county of the state as the state’s largest annual volunteer event returns for its 40 th anniversary. Every year, the cleanup includes a number of contests, and this year will include a competition for who can find the most unusual item. The annual cleanup event ranks as the biggest single day volunteer event on the planet, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

When: Saturday, September 21 st from 9 a.m. to noon in most locations.

Where: Cleanups will take place at over 750 hosted sites on California beaches, bays, rivers, creeks, parks, roadsides, and highways. The Commission website has an interactive map that provides exact locations and other site-specific information. The Commission is also encouraging volunteers to download the Clean Swell app and conduct self-guided cleanups throughout the month. For more details, click here.

Why: “The support that Californians have demonstrated for our coast over these past decades has been incredible,” said Coastal Commission Executive Director Kate Huckelbridge. “It’s amazing that volunteers who turned out to the earliest cleanups are now bringing their children or even their grandchildren out to participate.”

“It’s a testament to the strength of the cleanup movement that it has thrived for so long,” Huckelbridge said. “We can see the impact year-round. Thank you California for protecting our coast for the next generation!”

How: Visit for more information.

Who: California Coastal Cleanup Day event is presented with support from Oracle, Crystal Geyser Alpine Spring Water by CG Roxane, the Whale Tail© Specialty License Plate, the Protect our Coast and Oceans Fund, Nordic Naturals, and GreenPolly. This year’s artwork was created and generously donated by Barrett Hofherr.

California Coastal Cleanup Day 2024 is supported by the California Coastal Commission, California State Parks Foundation, and Ocean Conservancy. This event is made possible by the hard work of hundreds of local non-profits and government agencies throughout the state and tens of thousands of volunteers annually.

The Coastal Commission is committed to protecting and enhancing California’s coast and ocean for present and future generations. It does so through careful planning and regulation of environmentally sustainable development, strong public participation, education and effective intergovernmental coordination. The Coastal Cleanup Day Program is part of its effort to raise public awareness of marine and coastal resources and promote coastal stewardship.

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